Data Visualization Challenges We Solve

DataCue developed enterprise data warehouse, Data visualization platform with a responsive UI for analytics along with implemented consolidated client’s enterprise-wide security databases to eliminate redundancy, and built role-based security.

Analysis of data in motion—streaming analytics.
Complex analysis of structured data.
Exploratory analysis of data not modeled and multi-structured such as Twitter data for sentiment analytics.
Graph analysis such as for social networks.

Big Data Analysis Challenges We Solve

The proposed solution extracts data from various platforms, individual customers are tracked, patterns are identified, and used for forecasting. Additionally, the solution identifies the best performing channel amongst the multiple channels for each customer’s unique needs.

  • At DataCue, We anticipate customer needs and create new experiences, services and products.
  • Align with the Cloud Operating Model.
  • Our Big data analytics efficiently helps operations to become more effective. This helps in improving the profits of the company.